Tag: vehicle

Tarot Symbolism: The Initial Vehicle

by Odyn PenDragon I consider Atu VII to be the first “real lesson” in the Trump Series. Atus I-VI have been of the nature of preparation. (It can be argued that Atu VI, due to the complex nature of its depiction, is the first lesson. I would simply argue that it is the last, and...

Tarot Symbolism: The Ultimate Pilot – Thoth Tarot

By Odyn PenDragon Atu XX is called “The Aeon” in the Crowley-Harris Tarot. Crowley’s use of the term is difficult and misleading, especially for “the beginner”. He ‘distorted’ the idea of “an epoch” to conform to his desire to ‘create a new religion’ (a huge mistake in my opinion). One is better off investigating the...