Category: tarot symbolism

Tarot Symbolism: The Fool in the Thoth Tarot

BY JEAN HAMILTON-FFORD There is a lot of symbolism in the Thoth Tarot deck and it starts with The Fool. The Fool is beginning a journey of self-discovery. He is new and yet, he is the old man of the deck as he is finishing the end of the Universe and initiating a new path....

Tarot Symbolism: Ploughed Fields

Ploughed fields are a metaphor for the work that must be done before rewards can be reaped. In the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck I found 5 cards that illustrate ploughed fields. They seemed to speak about the different stages of labour. The Two of wands speaks to me of the planning that has to go...

Tarot Symbolism: The Dog – Truly Man’s Best Friend

BY STELLA LUNA For personal reasons I wanted to explore the symbolism of the Dog in Tarot for my first Tarot Symbolism post. Having recently lost my own loyal protector it seems apt. Especially as the day before I had to say my goodbyes to my sweetheart the 10 of Pentacles appeared in a reading...

Tarot Symbolism: Knight of Swords – a surprising discovery

I made a revealing discovery on the Knight of Swords card yesterday, using the Universal Waite deck. A card that has ‘disturbed’ me for the longest time because something felt ‘off.’ In contrast to the other 3 knights he has always seemed less controlled somehow, as if he could easily fly off the handle. Thus...