Category: Cartomancy
February 17, 2013
February 17, 2013
Learning Lenormand, using the Cross spread
February 16, 2013
I feel excited, surprised, intrigued...
February 15, 2013
1st edition Vintage Lenormand is sold out, due to demand a 2nd edition is being printed.
February 14, 2013
Lenormand Keywords MindMap in which I compare the keywords for the 4th card in the Lenormand system, the House.
February 14, 2013
What do you get when you mix a barista and a tarot reader?
February 13, 2013
February 13, 2013
My cards are a symbolic language between the spirit world and I
February 13, 2013
Lenormand Keyword Mind Map, by Rootweaver - Card #2 Clover
February 13, 2013
Comparing keywords from different Lenormand schools of thought, with the use of MindMaps.