Category: Cartomancy
March 4, 2013
Let's play a game. I'll list a few rhymes and you must try to guess what the Lenormand Card is and which House it falls into
March 3, 2013
See how to get clear "yes" and "no" answers to almost any question with Lenormand by watching Donnaleigh's video
March 1, 2013
What do readers do when their client sits down for a reading with no questions to ask? Wanting only whatever you 'can see' for them?
March 1, 2013
Meet your Tarot Tribe face-to-face, learn groundbreaking Tarot and Lenormand reading techniques, and experience beautiful Sydney at its very best.
February 28, 2013
The Vintage Lenormand (2nd edition) is 90% sold out! There is still a chance to get a copy before going to print.
February 27, 2013
February 26, 2013
Those who matter don't criticise and those who criticise don't matter
February 25, 2013
With every lesson we learn so much more about Lenormand than I thought was possible in a short 1-hour class
February 24, 2013
Reading from a space that has been specially prepared for readings has the advantage that it acts as a trigger each time we enter the space for readings.
February 23, 2013
Here is a wonderfully insightful list of Lenormand card combinations concerning legal matters