A Lenormand Game: Guessing Cards in their Houses – round 3

Vontage Lenormand by Rootweaver & The Deck of Lenormand Houses by Tierney Sadler
Vintage Lenormand by Rootweaver & The Deck of Lenormand Houses by Tierney Sadler

Continuing an exercise on Cards and Houses from ‘Learning Lenormand’ the course associated with Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin’s soon-to-be released book of the same title, we continue the word-play game. I will give a few rhymes, see if you can identify the Lenormand Card and House that the rhyme refers to. Two Cards, one Focus Card and one House Card to provide context.  To make it easier, I have highlighted the clues (referring to the 2 cards) in bold. Answers below.

  1. “A bond formed in fidelity with Facebook friends across the sea
  2. “A choice must be made to live sensibly, if one hopes to achieve longevity.”
  3. “She found herself filled with doubt, to accept his gift or go without…”



  1. Dog in Ship
  2. Paths in Tree
  3. Clouds in Bouquet



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