Learning Lenormand: 4-Fan Spread

Here is a really terrific Lenormand spread to try called the 4-Fan Spread, and shared with very kind permission from Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin.

One of my favourite features of this spread is the summary. As the cards are fanned out on the table the last card in each fan (also the top one before fanning them) is the summary card. The 4 summary cards together give an insightful glance at the reading, even before going into much depth with your client.

(Click on image to get a larger view.)

An old cartomantic method as given in 'Learning Lenormand' by Marcus Katz & Tali Gooodwin (Llewellyn, May 2013) and on the associated 10-week online course, www.tarotprofessionals.com/courses.html
An old cartomantic method as given in ‘Learning Lenormand’ by Marcus Katz & Tali Gooodwin (Llewellyn, May 2013) and on the associated 10-week online course, www.tarotprofessionals.com/courses.html

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