A Lenormand Game: Guessing Cards in their Houses

If I were to say “Beware the Snake posing as friend, a painful bite is how it’ll end.” Can you see that I am referring to the Dog card (friend) in the house of Snake (treason/wickedness)?

Let’s play a game. I’ll list a few of these (rhymes written by me – JbR) and you must try to guess what the Card is and which House it falls into. This is a great exercise for those of us flexing our new Lenormand muscles. Answers below (but guess first, don’t cheat!)


  1. Most excellent outcome shines from above, assuring you the greatest luck in love
  2. Your health is spent the end is nigh, ’tis time to say your final goodbye
  3. You’ve run face-first into a wall the video cam records your fall
Moon in the House of Fish.Vintage Lenormand by Rootweaver & Deck of Lenormand Houses by Tierney Sadler
Moon in the House of Fish.
Vintage Lenormand by Rootweaver & Deck of Lenormand Houses by Tierney Sadler


ɹǝʇʇǝl uı uıɐʇunoɯ ˙ᄐ
uıɟɟoɔ uı ǝǝɹʇ ˙ᄅ
ʇɹɐǝɥ uı uns ˙⇂

Well, I didn’t say I was going to make it easy to read the answers, did I? 😉

The answers are based on the following meanings:

  1. Sun = Positive outcome & great luck. Heart = Love
  2. Tree = Health. Coffin = End & death
  3. Mountain = Insurmountable & immovable obstacle. Letter = Record & recorded

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