30 Day Lenormand Challenge – Day 17

Vintage Lenormand by RootweaverCard #3 - Ship
Vintage Lenormand by Rootweaver
Card #3 – Ship

Today’s question is:

Do you follow any Lenormand school? Which one? Why?

No, I don’t follow a particular ‘school’ or tradition per se. I am however Learning Lenormand from Tali Goodwin and Marcus Katz, from Tarot Professionals. I love that they are taking us back to the origins of this cartomancy system (and beyond.) Having completed lesson 3 (of 10) I can already see that it would be futile for me to try to follow a particular ‘school’ of Lenormand as almost all of the recognised schools can trace their origins back to what Tali & Marcus are teaching us.

So, I guess the answer – for me – is “no.” I am just Learning Lenormand 😉 and loving it!


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