Tarot Town – Important Message!

I am reposting this message from Tarot Town as it may be of interest to many of our blog-readers:

On May 25th, Tarot-Town will be revamped and only accessible thereafter to Citizens/Patrons at a new rate of $5/month. If you wish to upgrade your membership prior to May 25th, you will gain the the current rate of $1/month.

All current Citizens & Patrons, who have supported Tarot-Town so brilliantly, need do nothing!

As in our newsletter, we believe this is a fair rate to ensure the viability of offering quality Tarot courses and material in Town.

To upgrade, simply click MY HOME in the tab bar in Tarot Town, then select the EDIT ACCOUNT button. Select Citizen ($1/month) or Patron ($12/year) and then click CHANGE LEVEL.

If you wish to stay connected with our work outside of Tarot-Town, we invite you to join our free Facebook discussion group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/tarotprofessionals

Thank you,

Marcus & Tali

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