Year: 2012

2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 9,600 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 16 years to get...

Lammas TarotBlogHop – fruit of the harvest

the blog before me Just as the wheat must end its growth cycle and ultimately be crushed and ground to bake the Lammas bread, so too does all physical life eventually end, releasing us so that we may transition to the next state. The Pentacles suit in tarot governs over the physical world, addressing matters...

Litha TarotBlogHop – Celebrate the Sunrise

In this latest tarot-blog-hop, the theme gives rise to this question: How will you celebrate the sunrise this Midsummer? Read the blog before me: Here For me, sunrise is symbolic of a new beginning, every day. It also symbolises enlightenment. When I have my first cup of coffee each morning outside on the deck, early enough...

Tarot Symbolism: Enemy of The State

by Odyn PenDragon The core idea of Atu VX “The Devil” is that of Enjoying Any Sensory Experience that you desire. By extension, that includes Any Sensual Experience that you desire. All other considerations are auxiliary. But, to me, the primary auxiliary consideration is rather the Abandonment of Morality: to actually ‘know’ that “morality” is...

Tarot Symbolism: The Initial Vehicle

by Odyn PenDragon I consider Atu VII to be the first “real lesson” in the Trump Series. Atus I-VI have been of the nature of preparation. (It can be argued that Atu VI, due to the complex nature of its depiction, is the first lesson. I would simply argue that it is the last, and...

Reversed Cards

By Odyn PenDragon I had long ago abandoned using ‘reversed’ cards in my spreads because to me that distinction really meant nothing. When a card appears, it is by its relation to the other cards in the spread that helps ‘refine’ the otherwise ‘wide’ meaning intrinsic to any card, ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ and all inbetween....

Beltane TarotBlogHop: The Fire Tends to All

Previous Beltane blog: Before me Please follow the link above to the wonderful blog of Matt Williams, as he too shares his thoughts on this Beltane TarotBlogHop. “The fire tends to all” is the subject of this TarotBlogHop in which you can hop from one blog to the next, a bit like wildfire. Like wildfire… That’s...

Tarot Symbolism: The Broken Prison

By Odyn PenDragon (this is not just ‘food’ for Thoth) Atu XVI is commonly called “The Tower” or more fully “The Blasted Tower”. My own chosen alternate title would be “The Crumbling of The Prison Walls” or more simply “The Broken Prison”. The key idea is that An Established Stable Edifice becomes Utterly Destabilized! The...

The symbolism in The World card by Tarot de St. Croix

The World is the final card of the archetypal journey of the soul. This card represents wholeness and as Jung said “…indissoluble communion with the world at large.” The self becomes numinous containing all the elements, all creation and the entire cosmos. Plato said “… this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul...