Day: May 2, 2012

Reversed Cards

By Odyn PenDragon I had long ago abandoned using ‘reversed’ cards in my spreads because to me that distinction really meant nothing. When a card appears, it is by its relation to the other cards in the spread that helps ‘refine’ the otherwise ‘wide’ meaning intrinsic to any card, ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ and all inbetween....

Beltane TarotBlogHop: The Fire Tends to All

Previous Beltane blog: Before me Please follow the link above to the wonderful blog of Matt Williams, as he too shares his thoughts on this Beltane TarotBlogHop. “The fire tends to all” is the subject of this TarotBlogHop in which you can hop from one blog to the next, a bit like wildfire. Like wildfire… That’s...